The Site
CapeTides.com provides tide and current information, sunrises and sunsets, as well as moon phases for the Cape Cod & Island's region.
The Data
The information presented on the site has been extracted from XTide. XTide uses the same algorithm as the National Ocean Service.
Each calculation is based on harmonic data collected over a one year period from each listed location. If a location is not listed, it is because there was no (accurate) harmonic data available for that location.
The harmonic data used to generate the current data set was last updated on 2024-01-04.
Questions or Comments
If you have a question about the information presented, you may want to have a look the XTide FAQ.
If your question isn't answered, or you would like to comment on this site (i.e. request a feature), feel free to drop us a line by emailing info@capeguide.com
The information on this site is presented without warrantee or guarantee, expressed or otherwise. This information should not be used for navigational purposes. Do not rely on this data for decisions that can result in harm to anyone or anything.