Abiels ledge (15 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6897, -70.6708
Abiels ledge (3 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6897, -70.6708
Abiels ledge (31 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6897, -70.6708
Barnstable Harbor (7 ft), Cape Cod Bay — Currents
Location: 41.7267, -70.2733
Barnstable Harbor, Beach Point — Tides
Location: 41.7217, -70.2850
Bourne Highway bridge, Cape Cod Canal — Currents
Location: 41.7500, -70.5833
Bournedale (13 ft), Cape Cod Canal — Currents
Location: 41.7665, -70.5670
Bournedale (30 ft), Cape Cod Canal — Currents
Location: 41.7665, -70.5670
Bournedale (46 ft), Cape Cod Canal — Currents
Location: 41.7665, -70.5670
Brant Rock, Green Harbor River — Tides
Location: 42.0833, -70.6467
Broken Ground-Horseshoe Shoal, between, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5500, -70.2850
Canapitsit Channel (4 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.4241, -70.9079
Cape Cod Canal (Sta. 115), Sagamore — Tides
Location: 41.7750, -70.5350
Cape Cod Canal (Sta. 200), Bournedale — Tides
Location: 41.7700, -70.5617
Cape Cod Canal (Sta. 320), Bourne Bridge — Tides
Location: 41.7450, -70.5933
Cape Cod Canal, east end (15 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7755, -70.4993
Cape Cod Canal, east end (34 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7755, -70.4993
Cape Cod Canal, east end (8 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7755, -70.4993
Cape Cod Canal, Railroad Bridge, midchannel (13 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7427, -70.6142
Cape Cod Canal, Railroad Bridge, midchannel (399 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7427, -70.6142
Cape Cod Canal, Railroad Bridge, midchannel (71 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7427, -70.6142
Cape Cod Canal, RR. bridge, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7417, -70.6167
Cape Cod Canal, Sandwich — Tides
Location: 41.7717, -70.5067
Cape Cod Canal, west end (110 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7375, -70.6249
Cape Cod Canal, west end (13 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7375, -70.6249
Cape Cod Canal, west end (189 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.7375, -70.6249
Cape Poge Light, 1.4 mi west of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4242, -70.4833
Cape Poge Lt., 1.7 mi SSE of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4000, -70.4267
Cape Poge Lt., 3.2 mi northeast of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4583, -70.4000
Cedar Tree Neck, Martha's Vineyard — Tides
Location: 41.4350, -70.6967
Chapoquoit Point, West Falmouth Harbor — Tides
Location: 41.6050, -70.6517
Chatham — Tides
Location: 41.6885, -69.9511
Chatham, Stage Harbor — Tides
Location: 41.6667, -69.9667
Clarks Point, New Bedford, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.5933, -70.9000
Cleveland Ledge (15 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6322, -70.6968
Cleveland Ledge (34 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6322, -70.6968
Cleveland Ledge (8 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6322, -70.6968
Cotuit Bay entrance (Bluff Point), Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.6100, -70.4300
Cotuit Highlands, Nantucket Sound — Tides
Location: 41.6083, -70.4367
Cross Rip Channel, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4483, -70.2917
Cuttyhunk — Tides
Location: 41.4250, -70.9167
Damons Point, North River — Tides
Location: 42.1600, -70.7333
Dennis Port, 2.2 mi south of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.6167, -70.1150
Dennis Port, Nantucket Sound — Tides
Location: 41.6583, -70.1150
Dumpling Rocks, 0.2 mi southeast of, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.5333, -70.9183
Duxbury, Duxbury Harbor — Tides
Location: 42.0383, -70.6700
East Chop, 1 mi north of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4850, -70.5583
East Chop-Squash Meadow, between, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4650, -70.5367
Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard — Tides
Location: 41.3883, -70.5117
Eel Point, Nantucket Island — Tides
Location: 41.2917, -70.2083
Eel Pt., Nantucket I. 2.5 mi NE of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3217, -70.1700
Fall River entrance (13 ft), Narragansett Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6999, -71.1784
Fall River entrance (23 ft), Narragansett Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6999, -71.1784
Fall River entrance (30 ft), Narragansett Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6999, -71.1784
Fall River, Narragansett Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7043, -71.1641
Falmouth Heights, Nantucket Sound — Tides
Location: 41.5450, -70.5933
Gay Head, 1.5 mi northwest of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3633, -70.8633
Gay Head, 3 mi north of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4017, -70.8533
Gay Head, 3 mi northeast of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3850, -70.7833
Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard — Tides
Location: 41.3533, -70.8300
Gray Gables, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7350, -70.6233
Great Hill, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7117, -70.7150
Great Point, 0.5 mi west of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3933, -70.0617
Great Point, 3 mi west of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3900, -70.1133
Great Point, Nantucket Island — Tides
Location: 41.3867, -70.0467
Gull I. and Nashawena I., between, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.4367, -70.9033
Halfmoon Shoal, 1.9 mi northeast of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4842, -70.1925
Halfmoon Shoal, 3.5 mi east of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4683, -70.1533
Handkerchief Lighted Whistle Buoy H, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4883, -70.0667
Hedge Fence Lighted Gong Buoy 22, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4717, -70.4833
Hedge Fence-L'Hommedieu Shoal, between, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5050, -70.5367
Hix Bridge, East Branch, Westport River — Tides
Location: 41.5700, -71.0733
Hog Neck (15 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.7239, -70.6394
Hog Neck (2 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.7239, -70.6394
Hog Neck (28 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.7239, -70.6394
Hyannis Port, Nantucket Sound — Tides
Location: 41.6317, -70.3000
Juniper Point (15 ft), Woods Hole — Currents
Location: 41.5159, -70.6717
Juniper Point (29 ft), Woods Hole — Currents
Location: 41.5159, -70.6717
Juniper Point (5 ft), Woods Hole — Currents
Location: 41.5159, -70.6717
L'Hommedieu Shoal, north of west end, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5267, -70.5767
Lewis Bay entrance channel, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.6317, -70.2733
Long Shoal-Norton Shoal, between, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4083, -70.3333
Marion, Sippican Harbor, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7050, -70.7617
Martha's Vineyard GPS buoy, Martha's Vineyard — Tides
Location: 41.3262, -70.5903
Mattapoisett, Mattapoisett Harbor — Tides
Location: 41.6567, -70.8133
Menemsha Harbor — Tides
Location: 41.3544, -70.7678
Miacomet Pond, 3.0 mi SSE of — Currents
Location: 41.1900, -70.0967
Middle (17 ft), Quicks Hole — Currents
Location: 41.4427, -70.8482
Middle (40 ft), Quicks Hole — Currents
Location: 41.4427, -70.8482
Middle (7 ft), Quicks Hole — Currents
Location: 41.4427, -70.8482
Monomoy Point, 6 mi west of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5583, -70.1500
Monomoy Pt., channel 0.2 mi west of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5500, -70.0217
Monument Beach, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7150, -70.6167
Muskeget Channel, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3483, -70.4200
Muskeget I., channel 1 mi northeast of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3500, -70.2850
Muskeget Island, north side, Nantucket Island — Tides
Location: 41.3367, -70.3050
Muskeget Rock, 1.3 mi southwest of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3200, -70.3933
Nantucket Harbor entrance channel, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.3067, -70.1000
Nantucket, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts — Tides
Location: 41.2850, -70.0967
New Bedford Harbor, marine terminal, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.6212, -70.9137
New Bedford Hurricane Barrier (14 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6232, -70.9051
New Bedford Hurricane Barrier (24 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6232, -70.9051
New Bedford Hurricane Barrier (4 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.6232, -70.9051
Nobska Point, 1 mi southeast of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5017, -70.6433
Nobska Point, 1.8 mi east of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5183, -70.6183
Nomans Land, Martha's Vineyard — Tides
Location: 41.2617, -70.8183
North end (17 ft), Woods Hole — Currents
Location: 41.5230, -70.6930
North end (4 ft), Woods Hole — Currents
Location: 41.5230, -70.6930
North end, Quicks Hole — Currents
Location: 41.4517, -70.8500
Norton Point, 0.5 mi north of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4683, -70.6650
Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard — Tides
Location: 41.4583, -70.5550
Old Man Shoal, Nantucket Shoals — Currents
Location: 41.2267, -69.9833
Onset Beach, Onset Bay, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7417, -70.6583
Penikese Island, 0.2 mi south of, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.4433, -70.9250
Penikese Island, 0.8 mi northwest of, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.4650, -70.9367
Penikese Island, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.4500, -70.9217
Piney Point, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.6950, -70.7200
Pleasant Bay — Tides
Location: 41.7367, -69.9817
Plymouth Harbor, Plymouth — Tides
Location: 41.9600, -70.6617
Point Gammon, 1.2 mi south of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5883, -70.2567
Pollock Rip Channel (Butler Hole) (7 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.5500, -69.9833
Pollock Rip Channel, east end, Nantucket Sound entrance — Currents
Location: 41.5650, -69.9233
Poponesset Island, Poponesset Bay — Tides
Location: 41.5867, -70.4633
Provincetown — Tides
Location: 42.0496, -70.1822
Quicks Hole, North side — Tides
Location: 41.4483, -70.8567
Ribbon Reef-Sow & Pigs Reef, between, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.4217, -70.9700
Robinsons Hole, 1.2 mi southeast of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4350, -70.7800
Robinsons Hole, Nashuon Point (14 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.4497, -70.8067
Robinsons Hole, Nashuon Point (24 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.4497, -70.8067
Robinsons Hole, Nashuon Point (4 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.4497, -70.8067
Round Hill Point, Buzzards Bay — Tides
Location: 41.5383, -70.9283
Sagamore Bridge (26 ft), Cape Cod Canal — Currents
Location: 41.7762, -70.5433
Sagamore Bridge (42 ft), Cape Cod Canal — Currents
Location: 41.7762, -70.5433
Sagamore Bridge (6 ft), Cape Cod Canal — Currents
Location: 41.7762, -70.5433
Saquatucket Harbor, Nantucket Sound — Tides
Location: 41.6683, -70.0567
Scituate, Scituate Harbor — Tides
Location: 42.2017, -70.7267
Sesuit Harbor, East Dennis — Tides
Location: 41.7517, -70.1550
South end, Quicks Hole — Currents
Location: 41.4383, -70.8417
South Yarmouth, Bass River — Tides
Location: 41.6650, -70.1833
Squibnocket Point, Martha's Vineyard — Tides
Location: 41.3117, -70.7683
Stage Harbor, west of Morris Island, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.6567, -69.9750
Steep Brook, Taunton River, Massachusetts — Tides
Location: 41.7400, -71.1317
Stellwagen Bank, 15 nmi NNE of Race Point (105 ft) — Currents
Location: 42.3121, -70.1120
Stellwagen Bank, 15 nmi NNE of Race Point (210 ft) — Currents
Location: 42.3121, -70.1120
Stellwagen Bank, 15 nmi NNE of Race Point (27 ft) — Currents
Location: 42.3121, -70.1120
Stellwagen Bank, 16 nmi north of Race Point (51 ft) — Currents
Location: 42.3240, -70.2940
Stellwagen Bank, 16 nmi north of Race Point (8 ft) — Currents
Location: 42.3240, -70.2940
Stellwagen Bank, 16 nmi north of Race Point (90 ft) — Currents
Location: 42.3240, -70.2940
Tarpaulin Cove, 1.5 mi east of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4717, -70.7250
Tuckernuck Island, 4.2 mi SSW of — Currents
Location: 41.2262, -70.2817
Tuckernuck Shoal, off east end, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4050, -70.1733
Uncatena Island (south side), Woods Hole — Tides
Location: 41.5200, -70.7083
Vineyard Haven Harbor, Vineyard Haven — Tides
Location: 41.4583, -70.6000
Waquoit Bay entrance, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5483, -70.5300
Wareham River, off Barneys Point, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.7450, -70.7067
Wareham River, off Long Beach Point, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.7333, -70.7167
Wasque Point, Chappaquiddick Island — Tides
Location: 41.3633, -70.4500
Weepecket Island, south of, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.5067, -70.7383
Wellfleet — Tides
Location: 41.9300, -70.0417
West Chop, 0.2 mi west of, Vineyard Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4833, -70.6100
West Chop, 0.8 mi north of, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.4933, -70.5950
West Island, 1 mi southeast of (15 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.5657, -70.8110
West Island, 1 mi southeast of (27 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.5657, -70.8110
West Island, 1 mi southeast of (4 ft), Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.5657, -70.8110
Westport Harbor, Westport River — Tides
Location: 41.5083, -71.0933
Westport River entrance, Buzzards Bay — Currents
Location: 41.5083, -71.0883
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute — Tides
Location: 41.5236, -70.6711
Woods Hole, Little Harbor — Tides
Location: 41.5200, -70.6650
Woods Hole, The Strait (14 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.5193, -70.6829
Woods Hole, The Strait (21 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.5193, -70.6829
Woods Hole, The Strait (5 ft) — Currents
Location: 41.5193, -70.6829
Wreck Shoal-Eldridge Shoal, between, Nantucket Sound — Currents
Location: 41.5333, -70.4283
Wychmere Harbor, Nantucket Sound — Tides
Location: 41.6650, -70.0650